Every man has their own favorite object. An author has its favorite pen, a chef its favorite knife, and naturally smokers like us have their favorite smoking accessory. In my case, I have my own favorite bong. This article explores how you can help yourself choose the right bong for your smoking needs.
Bongs: what makes it distinct from other smoking accessories
Bongs are the traditional and generic smoking apparatus used by many smokers worldwide, but it is also the most widely used. Aside from being simple and easy to use, bongs are generally liked particularly the clear glass ones because you can see if you’ve run out of joint as well as it provides a lasting impression or helps people get the feel to getting high. Despite this, there are some distinct usage, applications, and designs that distinguishes other smoking accessories like dab rigs or bubblers that also helps users get immersed by experimenting and doing different things while smoking joint every day.
General impressions of a bong
There are many designs and bong products, and these differ in size, outline, thickness, or even color. Some may prefer sleek, others stubby, or a few might prefer tinted and curved. Normally speaking, a lot would prefer the normal or traditional ones mainly because of the lack of introduction to the available variety, or lack of accessibility, or for some other reasons unknown. A good online head shop can help you in choosing the bong fit for your by considering the following:
- The general feel of the bong when handling it with your hands or the mouthpiece
- The output from inhaling from bong (not too much, not too less, the amount you prefer it to be so)
- Its aesthetic design. You might want to display your bong in your living room when you’re not using it, might as well get a visually appealing one.
- Weight, durability, and size. You might want one that is portable, otherwise easy to store, and not easily breakable.
- Ease of operability. While bongs are generally easy to operate, some fancy bongs are quite bothersome to use.
A good bong that lasts is a man’s best friend
If you frequently smoke joint, especially on a daily basis, you might want to get a really good bong that lasts and easy to get attached to. If you originally find it hard to get used to a bong you just bought, just be patient since it might take some time for the bong to grow on you. And trust me, if you don’t do head by the lonesome and get stoned with friends, then your favorite bong might by the only witness to all the memories and laughter you’ve made from all the times you’ve gotten high. At the end of the day, the bong is there to help you remember the most memorable experiences of smoking joint with other people.
Find the bong for me: where to get started?
Doing your market research online and browsing through catalogues and products offered in online shops is a good starting way to finding a bong and other smoking accessories that’s for you. If you have a group of friends who’re selling products or are collecting bongs for a hobby, they’re generally a good outlet to introducing you to different products you can find in smoking shops anywhere. Sometimes a little bit of dedication is needed for you to get the things you want in life, and that includes getting the best experience to smoking marijuana.